QuickStart Guide


To use pdp you will need to install it on your machine (laptop, desktop, server, or cluster). Installation is easiest when using one of the two popular Python package managers:

1. conda

pdp is available through the bioconda channel of Anaconda:

conda install -c bioconda pdp

2. PyPI

pdp is available via the PyPI package manager for Python:

pip install pdp


pdp can also be installed directly from source. More detailed installation instructions can be found on the Installation Guide page.

pdp Walkthrough for qPCR diagnostic design

An example qPCR primer set design using pdp is provided as a walkthrough below. The general procedure for any pdp analysis is:

  1. Create a configuration file that describes which input sequences will be used for design, the paths to the sequence files, and labels describing which diagnostic classes or groups the sequences belong to
  2. Fix the input sequences (if necessary) by stitching multiple contigs together and removing ambiguity symbols
  3. Design primers to each input sequence
  4. Deduplicate primer designs (this reduces computation time)
  5. Screen primers against a BLAST or DIAMOND database of off-target sequences
  6. Perform in silico cross-hybridisation of primers against each input sequence
  7. Classify each primer set by specificity to the input sequence group labels, to generate candidate diagnostic primer sets


To see options available for the pdp program, or any subcommand, use the -h or --help option, e.g.:

pdp -help
pdp config -h

1. Create configuration file

We will work with three bacterial genomes in the tests/walkthrough/sequences subdirectory of the find_differential_primers repository. These genomes represent three different Pectobacterium species, and are provided as .fasta files containing complete genome sequences. We can see these files using the ls command:

$ ls tests/walkthrough/sequences/
GCF_000011605.1.fasta       GCF_000291725.1.fasta   GCF_000749845.1.fasta

To use these files in our analysis, we need to construct a configuration file. In this quick walkthrough will use a pre-prepared configuration file at the location tests/walkthrough/pectoconf.tab. The contents are shown below (note the extensive commenting, with lines preceded by a hash/octothorpe).

$ cat tests/walkthrough/pectoconf.tab
# Pectobacterium genomes downloaded from GenBank/NCBI; genomovars inferred from ANIm
# Annotated Pba: genomovar 1
Pba_SCRI1043        Pectobacterium,atrosepticum_NCBI,gv1    tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000011605.1.fasta       -
# Annotated Pwa: genomovars 2, 3
Pwa_CFBP_3304       Pectobacterium,wasabiae_NCBI,gv2        tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000291725.1.fasta       -
# Annotated Pb      : genomovar 7
Pbe_NCPPB_2795      Pectobacterium,betavasculorum_NCBI,gv7  tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000749845.1.fasta       -

The first line describing an input sequence tells us that its name is Pba_SCRI1043, that it belongs to classes/groups Pectobacterium, atrosepticum_NCBI, and gv1, and that the sequence’s FASTA file can be found at tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000011605.1.fasta. There are no features associated with the sequence.

Validate the configuration file

To confirm that the configuration file can be used in the rest of the design process, use the command pdp config --validate on that file:

$ pdp config --validate tests/walkthrough/pectoconf.tab
WARNING: Validation problems
    Pbe_NCPPB_2795 requires stitch (tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000749845.1.fasta)
    Pwa_CFBP_3304 requires stitch (tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000291725.1.fasta)
    Pwa_CFBP_3304 has non-N ambiguities (tests/walkthrough/sequences/GCF_000291725.1.fasta)

2. Prepare the input sequences


To generate diagnostic primers and metabarcoding markers, the input sequences must each be “stitched” so that there is only a single contiguous sequence corresponding to each input file. Also, any IUPAC ambiguity symbols (e.g. W, Y, etc.) must be replaced with N.

pdp config --fix_sequences tests/walkthrough/fixed.json tests/walkthrough/pectoconf.tab

3. Design primers to each input sequence

Now we can design primer sets against each input sequence, using the EMBOSS package ePrimer3.

pdp eprimer3 --outdir tests/walkthrough/eprimer3 \
    tests/walkthrough/fixed.json \

The new tests/walkthrough/eprimer3 directory now contains files describing primers designed to each input sequence, and corresponding JSON files describing the primer sets.

$ tree tests/walkthrough/eprimer3/
├── GCF_000011605.1.eprimer3
├── GCF_000011605.1_named.eprimer3
├── GCF_000011605.1_named.json
├── GCF_000291725.1_concat_noambig.eprimer3
├── GCF_000291725.1_concat_noambig_named.eprimer3
├── GCF_000291725.1_concat_noambig_named.json
├── GCF_000749845.1_concat.eprimer3
├── GCF_000749845.1_concat_named.eprimer3
└── GCF_000749845.1_concat_named.json

4. Deduplicate primer sets (optional)


This step is recommended, but not necessary, when designing diagnostic primer sets

When designing primers to groups of closely-related genomes, it is usual to have a large number of identical primer sets that originate from different genomes. We only need to test one of these redundant primer sets to know whether it may be diagnostically useful, so we can remove duplicates with the pdp dedupe command:

pdp dedupe --dedupedir tests/walkthrough/deduped \
    tests/walkthrough/with_primers.json \

The complete set of nonredundant primers is written to tests/walkthrough/deduped, and a new JSON configuration file recording only the deduplicated primers for each input sequence is written to deduped_primers.json.

5. Screen primers against a local sequence database (optional)


This step is recommended, but not necessary, when designing diagnostic primer sets

Prescreening the primers we have just designed against a local database of off-target sequences allows us to remove primer sets that do not specifically amplify our input sequences without having to perform computationally costly in silico cross-hybridisation.

pdp blastscreen --db tests/walkthrough/blastdb/e_coli_screen.fna \
    --outdir tests/walkthrough/blastn \
    tests/walkthrough/deduped_primers.json \

6. Perform in silico cross-hybridisation

This is the critical step in determining the predicted diagnostic specificity of the candidate primer sets. Each candidate primer set is tested in turn against all the input sequences to determine whether it has the potential to amplify that sequence. This is the most computationally-demanding step of the analysis.

pdp primersearch \
    --outdir tests/walkthrough/primersearch \
    tests/walkthrough/screened.json \

7. Classify primer sets by specificity

The final step in determining qPCR primer set specificity is to analyse the in silico hybridisation results to determing which primer sets amplify exactly the members of each class/group defined in the initial configuration file.

pdp classify \
    tests/walkthrough/primersearch.json \

The output directory contains .json and .ePrimer3 format files for each set of candidate primers that were determined to be specific to a class/group named in the initial configuration file, and two summary files (results.json and summary.tab):

$ tree tests/walkthrough/classify/
├── Pectobacterium_primers.ePrimer3
├── Pectobacterium_primers.json
├── atrosepticum_NCBI_primers.ePrimer3
├── atrosepticum_NCBI_primers.json
├── betavasculorum_NCBI_primers.ePrimer3
├── betavasculorum_NCBI_primers.json
├── gv1_primers.ePrimer3
├── gv1_primers.json
├── gv2_primers.ePrimer3
├── gv2_primers.json
├── gv7_primers.ePrimer3
├── gv7_primers.json
├── results.json
├── summary.tab
├── wasabiae_NCBI_primers.ePrimer3
└── wasabiae_NCBI_primers.json

The summary.tab file is a tab-separated plain text file that describes how many primer sets were determined to potentially be diagnostic for each input class, and describes a path to the JSON file describing their results:

$ cat tests/walkthrough/classify/summary.tab
Group   NumPrimers      Primers
Pectobacterium  4       tests/walkthrough/classify/Pectobacterium_primers.json
atrosepticum_NCBI       1       tests/walkthrough/classify/atrosepticum_NCBI_primers.json
betavasculorum_NCBI     2       tests/walkthrough/classify/betavasculorum_NCBI_primers.json
gv1     1       tests/walkthrough/classify/gv1_primers.json
gv2     2       tests/walkthrough/classify/gv2_primers.json
gv7     2       tests/walkthrough/classify/gv7_primers.json
wasabiae_NCBI   2       tests/walkthrough/classify/wasabiae_NCBI_primers.json